Real Customer Reviews

Join Our Community

Join our community

Joining our community is simple and affordable. Strippers Low Down will include your business on our community review web site, and when you get positive feedback or reviews from customers with 3 stars or more we will post it for everyone to see, but if you get 2 stars or less we will forward your customers complaint over to the email we have for your business, so that you can explain your side of the story. We understand that it is impossible to satisfy everyone 100 percent of the time so to be fair and to make sure it is not another competitor agency trying to write a bogus review about your agency we will notify you immediately to counter or rebuttal the claim against your company.

To join our community it is a low yearly fee of only $25 to get listed in your local area. You can also add your business to multiple areas for only $5 more, but it must be done at the initial setup of your account. You can also be Featured on our home page for an additional $75 per year.

Pricing Recap

  • $25 to get listed in your local area.
  • $5 for each additional areas.
  • $75 to be featured on our home page slider.

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